I’m honored to be working with the folks at Parallax Press, a nonprofit publisher founded by Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh.

I encourage everyone to purchase books directly from them (each book sold directly through their site supports a free book for an incarcerated person), or from your local bookstore. If those options are not available to you, they are available at any online retailer.

Healing Resistance

A Radically Different Response to Harm

Nonviolence was once considered the highest form of activism and radical change. And yet its basic truth, its restorative power, has been forgotten…


Fierce Vulnerability

COMING IN 2024!!!

Anthologies I’ve contributed to

Resist, Organize, Transform

An introduction to Nonviolence and Activism

Resist, Organize, Transform: An Introduction to Nonviolence and Activism is designed to help students develop into effective, nonviolent social change agents.

Practicing Liberation

Transformative Strategies for Collective Healing & Systems Change

How do we do effective, sustainable social change…without burning out, internalizing systemic toxicity, and replicating urgency culture?